Observed Data
The map was too open and too big. It took too much time to reach another player.
There were too many jump pads in the map in which player used them by accident.
The map felt huge when the players were walking around.
Research Solutions
1.Place more obstacles (this will fill up the map more).
2.Make the map smaller by scrapping parts of an area.
3.Place Jump boots in which the players can travel faster.
Picked Solution: Place more obstacles.
By placing more obstacles, the map will be more filled and less open in which the player
has less place to move and more place to take cover in which this will solve the open
level problem.
Version 2.0
Observed Data
It took awhile for players to find each other by walking around in the map.
Players were hiding behind the covers as intended but with also a negative point.
The negative point about this is that the players can’t see each other because of the
amount of cover places.
Research Solutions
Picked Solution:Make the map smaller by scrapping parts of an area.
Right now, there are too many areas with combat and weapons.
I should decrease the amount of areas by making areas smaller and getting rid of some.
Version 3.0
Observed Data
The players walked most of the time in the same pattern by collecting weapons and health and going back to the center of the map for combat.
The players were collecting sometimes with flow breaking objects.
I should reconsider the placement of these objects in my map.
Research Solutions
1.I can place a trail of health in the directions the player should go to.
2.Placing the walls differently in which players are pushed to go into that specific direction.
3.Using lightning to show the player intensive battle areas or rest areas.
Picked Solution: Using lightning to show the player intensive battle areas or rest areas.
I placed several lights in which player can see where intensive combat takes place.
I placed less lightning in the rest areas where players can hide more easily and are less focused
on dark places.
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